Join us this Saturday down at the Old Quay for an exciting opportunity to roll up your sleeves and be a part of history as we embark on the next phase of our restoration journey. The parapet section of the Old Quay is ready for some TLC and we need your help to clean away the old pointing in preparation for the new lime mortar pointing, together we can breathe new life into this cherished landmark and preserve its charm for generations to come.


Work begins 10am to 2pm – hot drinks available!

The top surface of the parapet also needs pointing now that a hundred years of guano and weeds have been removed. The black tar that can be seen on many of the stones is a legacy from the days when fishermen tarred their masts and spars on the quayside.

As you can see this from this photo, taken well over 100 years ago the quay was in constant use. Nets, masts and spars are everywhere. Even though by then the North pier has been built, the old quay was still very much a space used by the fishermen to maintain their boats and fishing gear, their are drift nest all along the top of the parapet. Which, in this photo, still ran the full length of the quay.