Newlyn Old Harbour Restoration

West Cornwall Lugger Industry Trust Ltd

Project goals:

  • Preserve history: The Old Harbour holds a significant place in Newlyn’s fishing tradition. Restoration will safeguard this heritage for future generations.
  • Revitalize the community: A functional Old Harbour could boost tourism, commerce, and the overall economic well-being of Newlyn.
  • Celebrate culture: The restored harbour can serve as a vibrant hub for cultural and creative events, traditional working boat festivals, and educational programs, promoting Newlyn’s rich maritime identity.


The Barnabas SS634, built in 1881, seen here arriving back at Gwavas Quay after sailing to Shetland and back in 2015.

Latest news posts

News: Keep up to date with restoration news and pictures by following the blog posts.

Volunteer: We are always looking for volunteers or help in any way to make the Old harbour hub of activity celebrating the heritage of port.

Donate: If you cannot donate your time, can you spare resources like hand tools, garden tools or even a wheelbarrow?

Experts in their field will lead supervised groups of volunteers and oversee the cleaning up and restoration work.

Explore the fishing heritage of Newlyn that grew up around the Old Harbour and Gwavas Quay from before the 14th Century.


repairing the original stonework


Where to start

Newlyn’s Old Harbour has served as the heart of the village for centuries. However, with the growing demands on the main working harbour, the Old Harbour has seen a decline in general maintenance over the past two decades.

Recognizing its historical importance, Historic England conducted a thorough assessment of the Old Harbour in 2023. This assessment focused on the listed buildings within the area, highlighting their significance. Based on the findings and a detailed Statement of Heritage report, grant funding opportunities are now being explored to financially support the restoration of these historic structures.

The restoration project aims to preserve Newlyn’s rich maritime heritage and breathe new life into the Old Harbour.